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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Live in Costa Rica Tour

I'm having a wonderful time and learning a lot on what could be the beginning of my biggest adventure of all, a two week Live in Costa Rica Tour and 4 extra days to explore, including a birding trip.

SEE MY DAILY POSTS  on my newest blog Costa Rica Decision Process. You'll learn why I'm considering a move and lot about Costa Rica too. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Attacked by a Mockingbird

Wednesday afternoon I was being interviewed on camera by the Fifty Forward FLIP Program (Friends Learning in Pairs reading tutor) in which I participate with much enjoyment. See my FLIP page. Well, the videographer decided it would be outside for better light. At the Donelson 50 Forward we went to that little patio in front of the building with me sitting on a park bench for the interview,  unknown that I was sitting under a Mockingbird nest on the tree limb just above my head. No less than 5 or 6 times the mother Mockingbird dive-bombed into my head to scare me away. It finally worked! She never broke the skin, but it hurt when she hit me!
DISCLAIMER: This photo was not
made during the attach but earlier 
as McKendree Village, but my
attacker wasn't abiding by 
this speed limit.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Tuesday I saw Boyhood the movie at Belcourt Theatre, our Nashville Indie Films theater and it is one of the best I have ever seen! It touches your heart strings or something deep inside as well as being one of the most unique of films. The producer filmed the same boy and the same stage family every year for twelve years to get the most realistic growing up movie yet. The boy goes from 6 to 18 as well as his sister, parents, step-parents, grandparents, etc. all realistically aging and changing their lives too.
Filming the same actor for 12 years, Ages 6 to 18

Because it goes through so many stages of life it did somewhat remind me of my growing up, though more like Jason's, yet even a later generation than his. If you cry in movies, bring your Kleenex! It is so real and touching.

I'm sorry it is rated R for the language and a little teen sex and drug use. I would have put PG13 on it. Maybe that is why it is in art theaters instead of the main stream ones. But I predict it will make the big ones soon and is bound to have many academy award nominations and make lots of money. One of the best movies of the year so far to me.