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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Just okay - not a great movie. Like too many American movies they glorify and emphasize the violence over any meaningful dialogue or story line. They have left J. R. R. Tolkien behind with their adaptations. Plus it looks like they are trying to copy Harry Potter movies with the same actor as the wizard AND the spiders AND the ugly, snotty-nosed monsters AND the dragon, etc. The problem is that the Harry Potter movies did all of the above better or maybe it helps to be first! Though they left the story in mid-crisis for the 3rd episode, I'm still not anxiously anticipating it because it will obviously be more death and carnage. A double trilogy worked well with Star Wars but not as well with this. The story is just not there. A single Hobbit movie would have been better or better yet, made it a part of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Bilboa Baggins is not the focus of this movie.

And don't waste the extra money for 3-D or IMAX. There were very few scenes that artfully used the technology or the bigger screen. I actually enjoyed The Book Thief better for half the cost.

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